
35. Title Page of Alsted' Disputatio Theologica...

36. Colophon of Item 35

The left hand image is the title page of Johann Heinrich Alsted's Disputatio Theologica De Deo, Alba Iulia, J. Effmurdt, 1630. He lived from 1588 to 1638, was a professor of philosphy and theology for a time at Herborn, Nassau. He is described as one of the the most important encyclopedist of all times. Click here for a review of an excellent intellectual biography by Howard Hotson. Later he moved to Alba Iulia (in Hungarian Gyulafehérvár. (For the history of Alba Iulia, click here.) The image on the right is the colophon of the same work. Alba Iulia was without a printing press until 1619, when Prince Gábor Bethlen founded a press; J. Effmurdt was the distinguished printer who led it for years. See more on presses.

Nizhni Novgorod [0008a].

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