16. Title page of Pelbartus' Stellarium...
17. Last (unnumbered) page of Stellarium...
The left hand image is
the title page of Pelbartus de Themeswar's Stellarium coronae benedictae Mariae Virginis...
[Basel: J. Wolff von Pforzheim, 1497-1500]. Quarto. Nizhni Novgorod 0750. HC. 12562. IH. 2559. Another version exists by Hagenau: Heinrich Gran für Johann Rynman, 1498.
Works by Pelbart de Themeswar (and also by Osualdus de Lasko) are in the University Library, Cluj (Kolozsvár in Hungarian). The Stellarium is also in libraries in Gdansk, Kraków, Lublin, Poznan and Wroclaw. See also Rozsondai, Marianne, "Temesvári
Pelbárt népszerüsége Europában. Mirõl vallanak a könyvkötések? (The popularity of Pelbart de Themeswar in Europe as witnessed
by book bindings.) See Magyar Könyvszemle, 100(1984), No. 4, pp. 300-319.
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